
Your search for Ruby & Rails returned 22 results.

DRY up Rspec with tap!

I'm a big fan of keeping Rspec DRY. Mostly, because it hurts my heart to have to write the same thing twice. It huuuurts. Here's a great article on code reuse in Rspec. A scenario I struggle with DRYing up: I'd like to either stub! or call should_receive on a method and sometimes return a value. Previously, I would still have to write the stub! or should_receive ...

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Recursively convert a Ruby hash to OpenStruct

I love OpenStruct. Like love love. The only reason I wouldn't marry it is that it won't recursively convert a nested hash to OpenStruct. So I wrote a hash extension to do just that. Wip out your credit cards, our wedding registry is forth coming. (more…)

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Extend Ruby hash to return all keys as symbols

It is sometimes useful to force all hash keys to be symbols, especially in a situation where you can't use HashWithIndifferentAccess. (more…)

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Ruby gotcha: string comparison is case sensitive

Here is a Ruby gotcha: String comparison is case sensitive. (more…)

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Rails Single Table Inheritance Helper Module

Single table inheritance is a somewhat controversial topic in Rails land. For me, I like the Rails magic that it brings and, you know, the inheritance. However, it can clearly be abused. Here is my one rule for using Single table inheritance: (more…)

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