Your search for Quick Hit returned 4 results.
Testing Jammit’s packaged assets with Jasmine
In my new job, I'm trying to start things out right -- behavior-driven, test-driven, "cutting-edge" tools (whatever the hell that means), etc. I've gone through the new Rspec book (review to come) and used Cucumber and Rspec on my Rails app. I recently re-did the front-end with Backbone.js (and I am ready to marry it) and now I'm testing the javascript with Jasmine ...
Debugging Cucumber in RubyMine {Quick Hit}
Using Cucumber and Rspec for the first time has been ... a little frustrating. I followed along with the main tutorial in The Rspec Book and then skimmed the later chapters. I thought it was quite good until I had to start testing an actual rails app and felt a little at a loss. But I digress ... (more…)
Quick Hit: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.16.dylib
I haven't been using mysql much for my rails projects in favor of postgres, but in doing some tutorials on haml and sass I needed mysql in order to follow the tutorials exactly. After adding the mysql2 gem to my Gemfile, I got this error when running rake db:create: (more…)
Quick hit: Where the hell is the JLink.jar file?
I am working on a web service that connects with some Mathematica code. Mathematica offers a handy Java connection called JLink. There site is rif with articles and jDocs ... and yet, they don't tell you how to download or where to find the freakin' JLink.jar file. (more…)