
Your search for feedback returned 4 results.

Frameworks for Feedback at DevOpsDays ATL 2016

Sorry if you're getting fatigued seeing me give this talk. I am thrilled that's it's been so popular and I think it's really telling of the things people are craving to learn and understanding.

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Frameworks for Feedback Extended — written feedback, managing up and more!

I gave my Frameworks for Feedback talk at Self Conf. It was a 45 minute slot and, sadly, not recorded. Because I had more time, I added information about questions I often get, including written feedback and managing up. I also got some really good questions about requesting feedback with "Start, Stop, Continue" and how to reframe that if needed. We came up with ...

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Frameworks for Feedback at RailsConf 2016

I was super excited to get to give my Frameworks for Feedback talk at RailsConf! Slides are here. Code reviews, stand ups, retros, and performance reviews acknowledge the importance of communication and feedback, but they don’t help you give negative feedback or ensure that you hear the small things before they become big things. Let’s talk about feedback and ...

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Frameworks for Feedback at DevOpsDays Chicago 2015 [Updated: with video!]

I gave a talk on "Frameworks for Feedback" at DevOpsDays Chicago. The organizers asked me to add in a little about diversity and microaggressions, so it's pretty jam-packed, but seemed to be well received. Also, the DevOps community is awesome. (more…)

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