Your search for design returned 3 results.
Incremental Design ♥
We got some love for our RailsConf Incremental Design talk. (more…)
5 tips for keeping your Rails views under control
Use & enforce design and code styleguides for SASS & views Markup is about content not design Use SASS variables mixins Move CSS classes up in the DOM & design changes to CSS Use decorators (or helpers) to: Generate classes Generate copy Generate HTML attributes View my RailsConf talk on Incremental Design. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; ...
Incremental Design — A conversation with a Designer and a Developer at RailsConf 2013
Here is my Rails Conf 2013 talk! Developers: how many times have you had to completely rip out your hard earned code for a totally new site design? Designers: how many times has a re-design taken 4 times as long as the developer said it would and not looked good in the end? Change all that by using an incremental approach to design. Set up your code to change ...