
Your search for backbone.js returned 2 results.

Stubbing Backbone.js fetch with Jasmine & Sinon.js

I needed to stub out a Backbone collection's fetch method and make it return success. I'm using Jasmine BDD for the testing framework and Sinon.js for stubbing the methods. Here's how I did it: (more…)

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Testing Jammit’s packaged assets with Jasmine

In my new job, I'm trying to start things out right -- behavior-driven, test-driven, "cutting-edge" tools (whatever the hell that means), etc. I've gone through the new Rspec book (review to come) and used Cucumber and Rspec on my Rails app. I recently re-did the front-end with Backbone.js (and I am ready to marry it) and now I'm testing the javascript with Jasmine ...

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