The realities of organizing a community tech conference: an ill-advised rant
Warning: this post is an ill-advised, badly timed rant. There are swear words. You have been warned. Also, no one person instigated any of this rant. It's been building in me for three years. <3 Let me tell you about the realities of organizing a tech conference: it sucks. (more…)
Talking about Write/Speak/Code on CodeNewbie
I was super excited to speak to my former coworker, Saron Yitbarek, on her amazing podcast CodeNewbie. She's created an incredible community dedicated to supporting new developers. Listen to my interview here.
Interview about the first Write/Speak/Code!
As we approach our 2nd Write/Speak/Code, here is an interview I did at the very first conference.
Getting more women (and people) into Open Source
I gave this talk at the Github Patchwork event at Dev Bootcamp NYC on 9/18/14. I spoke about the work we've done with Write/Speak/Code on getting more women into open source. The main lesson: technical skill isn't the barrier; it's the belief that they have nothing to contribute that stops people from giving back to the tech community. (more…)