Quick multi-site javascript RSS feed
I just finished quickly putting up a simple, compilation site. This was a business was a group of successful blogs, who had recently moved all their emails addresses to be under one header. As a consequence, people were occasionally hitting the email url. At the time the url just redirected to the flagship site, but the owner wanted the site to be a bit more informative without too much effort. All that was needed was an intro and an RSS ...
LapDawg is gonna save me from myself
Being a freelancer now, I work in random places. Having been sick last month, I spent a lot of time working in bed. My body - in particular my forearms - has starting telling me that it's kind of pissed about my less-than-ergonomic working positions. (more…)
My problem with Heroku
We've all been hearing a lot about Heroku lately. In fact, it seems that almost every rails blog has a post about how you "must use Heroku!' or you're an idiot to not using Heroku. Over the last month or so, I've been working on a project hosted on Heroku. Now this app has a lot of issues including code written by a billion developers that is often stupid or redundant and inconsistent staging and production code, schema, and data. Needless ...
Jason Fried on the unproductive office
I have mixed feelings about TED, but I generally enjoy Jason Fried and his take on work is totally spot on. I'd only add that, in my experience, programmers work in cycles: ramp up, totally immersed, wind down, relax, start over. (more…)
Rails is awesome … too bad the creater and much of the community are total dickwads.
In a moment of genuine unintended irony, I decided to start learning Rails at the exact moment that a huge uproar happened over a conference presentation that contained pornographic images and the following "don't hamper my freedom from expression/to look at naked chicks" response from much of the Rails community. Worse yet, DHH, creator of Rails and partner in 37 Signals, condoned the talk. (more…)